I'll admit it – I've spent thousands of dollars searching for the "secret formula" to business success. You know the drill: this course will change everything, that program holds the key, this framework is the answer. 

But here's what I've learned after years of searching (and helping other creatives build their dreams): there is no one-size-fits-all path to success. 

There's only the path that aligns with who you are and what you're meant to contribute to the world.

Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting down with five remarkable women entrepreneurs who've figured this out. They've built thriving businesses not by following someone else's blueprint, but by staying true to their vision and values. 

Their insights? Refreshingly honest, surprisingly simple, and probably not what you'd expect.

The Plot Twist: Slower Is Actually Faster

Remember when we all thought "hustle culture" was the only way to succeed? Well, Larvetta Loftin, who's been crushing it in marketing for 25 years (yes, you read that right), dropped this truth bomb: "Slow and steady really wins the race."

Running the L3 Agency in an industry that moves at lightspeed, she's discovered that taking time to truly get it right – whether that's understanding clients or crafting thoughtful responses – beats the frantic rush every time. Sometimes that means scheduling that detailed email for tomorrow morning instead of sending it at midnight after your third cup of coffee. Your sanity will thank you.

The Not-So-Secret Sauce: Purpose Over Profit

"When you align your business with your passion and your purpose, it truly does empower you to keep moving forward," shared HR maven Lisa Perez. And let's be honest – you'll need that fuel when you're troubleshooting tech issues at 11PM or figuring out why your perfectly-planned launch isn't quite clicking.

The Magic Number Is... One?

Here's a radical thought from transformation coach Dominice Clifton: what if you focused on just one thing? I know, I know – in a world of "multiple income streams" and "diversify or die" mantras, it sounds almost rebellious. But here's her logic: "If you are doing five things at one time, then your energy is spread in five different ways." Instead, try the rule of one: one problem, one solution, one target market, one platform, one year. Mind. Blown.

Your Non-Linear Background? It's Actually Your Superpower

As someone who helps professionals tell their stories, I'll let you in on a little secret: those twists and turns in your career path aren't accidents – they're assets. That side hustle that didn't quite work out? The career pivot that made your family raise their eyebrows? They're all part of what makes your perspective unique and valuable. I shared during the panel that it's crucial to "own your story” and learn how to tell that story in a way that demonstrates your value.

Wild Thought: Your "Competition" Might Be Your Ticket to Success

Emily Chavez from Joyful Jobs shared something that might make your brain do a double-take: some of her best clients came from other firms in her industry. That's right – the people you might be seeing as competition could actually be your best referral sources. Mind = blown (again).

The Ultimate Power Move? Taking Care of Yourself

Dominice Clifton wrapped things up with a truth we all need tattooed on our foreheads: "You have to sustain yourself in the midst of building a sustainable business." Translation: that self-care isn't selfish, it's strategic.

And here's another truth bomb from Lisa Perez that made me want to stand up and cheer: "Not everybody's your client... Being bold says if you can't pay what my intellectual property, my products, my services are worth... I may not be the right partner for you." Can I get an amen?

Ready to Build Your Dream Business (Without Losing Your Mind)?

Here's the thing: building a six-figure creative business doesn't require selling your soul or becoming someone you're not. It just requires getting smart about how you find and land the right clients.

That's exactly why I created the Creative's LaunchKit: your starter roadmap to finding, pitching, and closing independent contracts to help you build your $100K business. We're talking 40+ sources for finding work, pricing guides that help you get paid what you're worth, and a simple proposal template to protect your time and talent.

[Grab your Free Creative's LaunchKit below.]

And my final nuggets to the panel were this: “the path is made by walking.” So let's take that first bold step together.

P.S. Click here to listen to the full episode of Renee Speaks Podcast, or catch up on some of my other podcast appearances here.